Past Exhibition

Exhibition "Jean Vendome, Artist Jeweler" (Paris)

Paris, France 19.05.2021 — 28.08.2021
Jean Vendome, collier Méditerranée, 1992. Collection privée. Photo Benjamin Chelly (2).jpg

31 rue Danielle Casanova
75001 Paris

From May 19th 2021 to August 28h 2021. 


Exhibition "Jean Vendome, Artist Jeweler"

Jean Vendome, whose real name was Ohan Tuhdarian, created his first jewelry collection in 1950, and worked tirelessly right up until his death in 2017. His multifaceted talent combined eccentric and surrealist elements with contemporary graphic design, giving his jewels a refined and intricately designed appearance.
The pieces he crafted during his seventy-two years of intensive work demonstrated the art of enhancing fine stones by combining them with precious materials, using a highly accomplished jewelry-making technique. Nonetheless, he always observed his own personal rule: to show the stones without betraying them. He was a pioneer of modern jewelry, and his uniquely creative approach placed his work somewhere between gem art and high jewelry.

Exhibition "Jean Vendome, Artist Jeweler"


This exhibition, presented at L’ÉCOLE Paris during Fall 2019, highlighted the work of the Artist Jeweler, Jean Vendome. As a true artist, set about creating his own world, he bucked fashion trends with his personal and pioneering style. Simple yet sophisticated, powerful yet intricate, eccentric yet well-designed, constructed and deconstructed, Jean Vendome’s jewelry is always emotional.

The 130 pieces that were on display, from private and public collections, put forward his prolific creations, which resonates like a poetic and meaningful echo of the major artistic movements of the second half of the 20th century.

The catalog of this exhibition is available in French and English.
Editor: Connaissance des Arts
Price: 11 €

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