Discovering the Professions

Meeting of L’Escarboucle around the book Preconceived Notions on Jewelry

Packshots pour l'Escarboucle L'ECOLE DES ARTS JOAILLIERS ©Pauline de Courrèges_HD (1).jpg Full

The book Preconceived Notions on Jewelry was written under the direction of Guillaume Glorieux, Director of Education and Research at L'ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts.

The book Preconceived Notions on Jewelry was written under the direction of Guillaume Glorieux, Director of Education and Research at L'ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts. Guillaume Glorieux will present the book with Emmanuelle Amiot, Research Manager at L'ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts and is a contributor to its writing.

A polysemic object by nature, the jewel well embodies many preconceived notions: precious, feminine, a reflection of a personal story or a political emblem, religious attribute or paragon of frivolity… Well beyond the artifice of appearances, the jewel is at once universal and the incarnation of a culture and stereotypes linked to it. The authors analyze the very roots of these prejudices in this book, linking all facets of the jewel, of its history, materials and savoir-faire which allowed its creation. Enriched with illustrations, it constitutes an original introduction to the universe of jewelry.

You will be attending a dialogue between Emmanuelle Amiot, Research Manager at L'ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts, and Guillaume Glorieux, Director of Education & Research at L'ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts. 

At the end of the meeting, you will have the opportunity to purchase the book and get it signed by the author! 

Meeting in French:
Thursday, November 28th, 2024
7:30pm – 8:30pm
@ Grand Hôtel-Dieu, Lyon
20 quai Jules Courmont, 69002 Lyon


Photo : Book Preconceived Notions on Jewelry © L'ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts - Pauline de Courrèges