Discovering the Professions

Discovering the professions: meeting a master Japanese Urushi Lacquer

L'ÉCOLE - From French jewels to Japanese lacquer 261 Crédit Victor Podgorskii Full

How the ancestral technique of lacquer sublimates materials.

How the ancestral technique of lacquer sublimates materials.

Lacquer is an age-old art originating in Asia that sublimates decorative objects and jewelry. A long apprenticeship is necessary to master this extremely demanding skill.

The lacquer comes from a natural resin that forms a hard, resistant, and translucent varnish. This provides the material with a unique impression of depth.

The lacquer technique, often learned from Japanese masters, requires extreme rigor and infinite patience: the lacquer is applied in successive layers until this effect of depth is obtained, giving the object its mysterious beauty.

How does one become a lacquer master? What are the particularities of this profession?

We offer you the chance to meet with a lacquer who has had an original and unusual career path, who will come to share his experience with you and to tell you about some of his reasons for choosing this profession, as well as what his daily life is like as a jeweler.

With Catherine Nicolas, Master Lacquerer at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts.