Discovering the Professions

Discovering the professions: meeting a Gemologist

L'ÉCOLE - Recognize the gemstones 26 Full

The quest for stones at the service of creativity.

The quest for stones at the service of creativity.

Finding stones, checking their quality, and ensuring their suitability for a specific design are the missions of the expert gemologist.

Diamonds are chosen from amongst the purest. The perfect cut should showcase the brilliance of the stone.

For colored stones, gemologists focus above all on the “character” and the emotion they arouse. They also examine their characteristics.

The quest for remarkable stones requires expertise, patience, tenacity, and of course, a stroke of luck!

How does one become a gemologist? What are the particularities of this profession?

We offer you the chance to meet with a gemologist who has had an original and unusual career path, who will come to share his experience with you and to tell you about some of his reasons for choosing this profession, as well as what his daily life is like as a jeweler.

With Virginie David, Gemologist and Professor at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts.