Workshops for young people

Make Your Own Precious Clock (8 to 12 years old)

make your own precious clock

For ages 8 to 12 years old

The children start by discovering how the makers of clocks and watches find inspiration for their designs, then they choose from among 5 different templates for the face of their clock which for which the motifs are inspired by Nature, and then they apply their clock faces to a real wooden clock which they can hang on the wall of their room. 

About the course

Artistic activities play an essential role in children's education and development. Offering a unique educational experience that is both authentic and fun, the Creative Workshops of L'ÉCOLE have the mission to awaken an awareness of the creative professions for students from 5 to 17 years old.  Aso, the Creative Workshops strive to stimulate the imagination of our young students, so that they can discover new realms of creativity. 


Sit back and relax

  • This workshop is led by three teachers, one of whom is an art historian, one a multimedia artist and one a designer.  
  • Children can discover how to create a treasure chest with the course "Make your Treasure Chest".