In-Person Conversation

Emerald, Art & Science

Raw Emerald, Muzo Valley, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia. Currently in the Mineralogy Museum of MINES - ENSMP 6334 © Musée de Minéralogie Mines Paris - PSL / E. Gaillou. Full

The fascinating story behind the most coveted green gemstone

Emerald, Art & Science

In the history of jewelry, a colored gemstone has fascinated humankind. Since its discovery more than four thousand years ago, the emerald has kept intriguing by the splendor of its color and the properties it has been attributed. From the mythical mines of Cleopatra to today’s Colombian landscapes, come and discover the art and science which are surrounding the emeralds and gave them a prominent place in jewelry.

Patricia Zilkha, Historian, Gemologist, Vintage Jewelry Specialist, and Lecturer at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts
Ann Lee, Gemologist and Lecturer at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts

Date: Thursday, May 9, 2024
Cocktail Session: 6:30pm-7:00pm
Conversation: 7:00pm–8:00pm
Language: English

Photo:18 (01) - Beryl (emerald) on blackshale Muzo, Boyaca Colombia © Musée de Minéralogie MINES Paris - PSL  E. Gaillou