In-Person Conversation

The Arts and Crafts of Enameling: Conversation with Chong Ho

Chong-Ho, Dragonfly brooch, 2020 .jpg Full

Along with Hong Kong artist Chong Ho, this conversation is a dialogue between the history and craftsmanship of enameling, a journey through a technique and its contemporary artistic possibilities.

The Arts and Crafts of Enameling: Conversation with Chong Ho

When glass fuses with metal, ceramics, stone, or even glass itself, it can transform into a glossy surface that is called enamel. Labor intensive and quite hazardous, the arts of enameling require both skills and patience. Archeologists traced back enameling workshops to early antiquity but the debate is still fierce on where the first enameled artefacts were actually created. What remains for certain: the techniques traveled in the West to reach further far Eastern cultures via the silks roads. Champlevé, Painted Guilloché,or Cloisonné enamels have been constantly admired and revived through the ages, especially by goldsmiths, jewelers and potters.

Along with Hong Kong Jeweler and Enamel Artist Chong Ho, and Mathilde Rondouin, Jewelry Art Historian and Lecturer at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts, this conversation is a dialogue between History and Craftsmanship, a journey through a technique and its contemporary artistic possibilities.

Date: Saturday, February 4, 2023
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Language: Conducted in English and Cantonese
Venue: Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Design Institute
Address: 3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong

Photo: Ho Siu Chong (b.1977), Dragonfly-Fish brooch, 2020, Private Collection