French adventurer, tireless traveler, art and precious stones dealer, Jean-Baptiste Tavernier (1605-1689) is one of the major figures of the 17th century. From his many trips to Asia, the merchant will bring back many treasures. Nonetheless, it is the famous diamonds from the mines of Golconde in India that will make his glory with King Louis XIV and his court. As a privileged witness to the relations between East and West in a Europe passionate about distant and foreign cultures, the life of this atypical traveler nevertheless remains largely unknown. Who really was Jean-Baptiste Tavernier? Which diamantiferous legacy did he leave?
[VIDEO] Jean-Baptiste Tavernier and the Diamond Routes
With Cécile Lugand, Professor and Researcher at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts & François Farges, Distinguished Professor, mineralogist at the French National Museum of Natural History, scientist-in-charge of the National Gems’ Collection, and scientific curator of the "Gems" Exhibition. Conference offered by the French National Museum of Natural History, in partnership with L'ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts, as part of the "Gems" Exhibition presented at the Grande Galerie de l'Évolution, Paris.