[VIDEO] Roger Caillois- The Stone Dreamer

A great connoisseur of stones, Roger Caillois (1913–1978) left behind him a poetic and aesthetic view of the world of minerals, which he helped introduce to the general public. Through his texts and his “dreamstones” collection, he leaves us a unique legacy, which we invite you to rediscover at the Museum. In particular, nearly one thousand of his stones have recently reappeared to join the Museum collection.

Roger Caillois - The Stone dreamer

Online Talk, in partnership with the French National Museum of Natural History.

With Nicolas Bos, President of Van Cleef & Arpels & François Farges, Distinguished Professor, mineralogist at the French National Museum of Natural History, scientist-in-charge of the National Gems’ Collection, and scientific curator of the "Gems" Exhibition.