Embark for a discovery of the history of the ring: from wedding rings to heraldic signets, from devotion rings to contemporary artists’ creations.
It is one of the oldest forms of bodily adornment: worn by both men and women, declaration of social or political status, marker of significant life events, expression of identity or protective talisman, the ring presents a diversity of aspects and functions.
A true miniature work of art, the ring is also the expression of the boundless creativity of goldsmiths and jewelers.
With Laure Raibaut, Curator and art historian with expertise in Asian and European art & Mathilde Rondouin, Art Historian & Lecturer at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts
This online conversation will be broadcast from L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts in Hong Kong.
Laure Raibaut
Curator, Art Historian with expertise in Asian and European Art and Archeologist
Mathilde Rondouin
Art Historian and Lecturer at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts
Thursday, November 17th at 08:00pm (Japan Time)
Conference given in English
Simultaneous translations in
Japanese, Cantoneseand Mandarin availableREGISTER
Photo: Group of rings, Yves Gastou Collection, Photo Benjamin Chelly