Online conversation

Sapphire, Art & Science

Jan-Vermeyen-Couronne-de-l’Empereur-Rodolphe-II,1602,-Schatzkammer,-KHM,-Vienne-©KHM-Museumsverband-_Desktop.jpg Full

A blue gem par excellence, the popularity of the sapphire is above all linked to its color. Buy beyond the symbolic importance of this gem, its success in jewelry is due to its remarkable physical properties.

This online conversation will be broadcast live from L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts in Paris.

Sapphire, Art & Science

A blue gem par excellence, the popularity of the sapphire is above all linked to its color. But beyond the symbolic importance of this gem, its success in jewelry is due to its remarkable physical properties.

Laurent Massi, a Doctor in Physics of materials and internationally renowned gemologist worked for many years in Bangkok primarily in gemology training. He will share his knowledge of gems, of the field and the market, in a conversation with Marie-Laure Cassius-Duranton, Gemologist and Art Historian, Teacher-Researcher at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts.


Photo: Jan Vermeyen Couronne de l’Empereur Rodolphe II, 1602, Schatzkammer, KHM, Vienne