The World of gemstones

The Diamond: A Gemological Exception (NEW)

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Discover why the Diamond is so unique

You will discover this fascinating stone, its unique chemical composition, understand the secrets of color and clarity, as well as the savoir-faire of cut.
You will handle stones and learn to use gemological tools.

About the course

The only gemstone composed of one single chemical element, Diamond hides so many mysteries: the miracle of its birth, its totally improbable meeting up with human beings, and the five characteristics with determining its supreme hardness.   

Exhibition 'Discover the Gemstones, Ruby & Sapphire.jpg
Gift certificate

Sit back and relax

  • This class is conducted by a gemology expert.
  • The knowledge and experiments done in this course is also covered in the 4-hour course, “Fascinating Diamonds 2: Science and Gemology”. If you would like to discover and understand further into the world of diamonds, please take part in the course.
  • Participate in the course “The Diamond’s Magic: Symbols & Legends”, to discover more myths and legends surrounding diamonds.
  • Take part in the course: "Recognize the Gemstones", to continue your exploration of gemology and to identify precious stones.

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