New Exhibition in Paris

"Stage Jewels of the Comédie-Française"

Diadème de Rachel dans Phèdre aux perles et camées, 1843 © Collection Comédie Française.jpg

From 13th June to 13th October 2024 

In partnership with the Comédie-Française, L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts will be showcasing stage jewelry worn by the most famous actors and actresses - Talma, Rachel, Sarah Bernhardt... - retracing the history of stage jewelry since the 18th century. Jewelry, paintings, drawings and manuscripts bear witness to the opulence of these objects, which, while often made from non-precious materials, feature their jewelers’ skills.

Curators: Agathe Sanjuan, curator-archivist at the Comédie-Française, and L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts.

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Photo: Diadem of Rachel with cameos, 1821-1858
Shell cameos on golden copper alloy, lining in gold lamé fabric
© Coll. Comédie-Française – Photo:  L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts – Benjamin Chelly