L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts has opened its very first bookshop, L’Escarboucle. Dedicated to the world of jewelry, the bookshop is located in the Hôtel de Mercy-Argenteau, a stone’s throw from theaters. Its poetic, enigmatic name is derived from the Latin word carbunculus (small embers), once used to designate precious stones of a fiery red hue: exceptional rubies, spinels, and garnets. The store carries some three thousand French and foreign-language works on jewelry, jewelry designers, requisite savoir-faire, gemology, applied arts, and aesthetic evolutions over the course of time. Connoisseurs will find the most recent publications as well as out-of-print collector’s editions on the bookshop’s shelves alongside older works like Jean-Baptiste Tavernier’s Les Six Voyages, in which the seventeenth-century diamond dealer recounts his adventures. The shop reading alcove offers an ideal setting for customers to peruse these rare editions at their leisure.