In-Person Conversation

Curiosity Cabinets or the Art of Collecting Gems and Precious Objects (In-Person Conversation)

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In the days before mass tourism, collections of precious objects from overseas were of great interest.

Curiosity Cabinets or the Art of Collecting Gems and Precious Objects

In the days before mass tourism, collections of precious objects from overseas were of great interest. The wealthy, in particular, the aristocracy, would set aside space in their homes to display curiosities bought, bartered for, plundered, or given during month-long travels in unfamiliar territories.  Originally private studios, these rooms developed into magnificently decorated interiors, furnished with cabinets, which were themselves works of art. The most important of these collections became known across all Europe.

The cabinets of curiosity brought together a tantalizing mixture of natural, human-made, and even technical objects that combined the arts and sciences in a seamless manner. The aim was to replicate in small the myriad richness of the external world. These wonderful collections are at the origins of our current museums.

In this conversation, L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts explores the art and beauty contained within these eclectic collections and learn how they influenced our contemporary understanding of the world.

In-Person Conversation:

7.30pm - 8pm: Cocktail
8pm - 9pm: Conversation
@L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts – 31 rue Danielle Casanova, 75001 Paris


With Caroline Benzaria, Art Historian and Lecturer at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts
Paul Paradis, Art historian, Decorative Arts and Jewelry Specialist, Lecturer at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts


Photo: Jan Brueghel the Elder, The Archdukes Albert and Isabella Visiting a Collector's Cabinet, 1621-2623, Walters Art Museum, Baltimore

Our In-Person Conversations

Brought together by their curiosity and love of jewelry culture, speakers and listeners are invited to meet at a cocktail reception preceding the talk. Often initiated during this convivial moment, exchanges prove to be as spontaneous as they are instructive. They continue to grow throughout the talk, which is organized around L'ÉCOLE's three main pillars: the History of Jewelry, the World of Gemstones and the Savoir-Faire.

Participating in these conversations hosted by L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts allows you to join a community of curious enthusiasts eager to discover and learn.