Proceedings of the Collège de France – 1st edition

Under the direction of Francesco Solinas, Marie-Laure Cassius-Duranton, Guillaume Glorieux

Precious Ornaments 1

The Study Days co-organized at the Collège de France by Francesco Solinas and L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts reflect a productive scholarly exchange with the prestigious academic institution founded by François I.

Taking place over several years, they aim to deepen our knowledge of the history of jewelry in Europe, from the late Middle Ages to the end of the 19th century. Contributions by French and European specialists from a wide variety of disciplines are intended to inspire reflection and help advance this field of knowledge. The first edition, which took place in January 2023 at the Collège de France, focused on "Functions of Precious Ornament in the European Courts at the End of the Middle Ages and During the Renaissance." The lectures focused not only on pieces' style and craftsmanship, but also on their role in society at the time and the symbols they conveyed. These proceedings provide a record of the presentations.

Authors: Under the direction of Francesco Solinas, Marie-Laure Cassius-Duranton, Guillaume Glorieux
Published: November 2023
Publishers: De Luca – L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts
152 pages
Price: €60
Available in French



Photo: Plique enamel, Paris, early 14th century. New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
© The Metropolitan Museum of Art