10am: Francesco Solinas (Collège de France) : Welcome
10.10am: Guillaume Glorieux (L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts) : Preamble
10.20am: Marie-Laure Cassius-Duranton (L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts) : Presentation of L’ornement précieux 1, proceedings of the first edition of the Study Days on Precious Ornaments
Session Chairperson: Francesco Solinas (Collège de France)
10.30am-11.10am: Federica Veratelli (Università degli studi di Parma): « Garniz de beaucop de bonnes et riches pierres ». The formidable documentary and iconographic history of the jewels of the House of Burgundy and Habsburg (in French)
11.10am-11.50am: Dora Thornton (Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, Londres): Politics, Piety and Allegiance: a journey through jewels from the Tudor courts. (in English)
Break: 11.50am-12.10pm
12.10pm-12.50pm: Dominic Olariu (Universität Marburg) : Perfume as ornament. Pomanders and other aromatic jewels of the Renaissance. (in French)
12.50pm-1.30pm: Isabelle Paresys (Université de Lille) : Precious ornamentation in late-Renaissance European dress (in French)
Lunch Break : 1.30pm-3.30pm
Session Chairperson: Emmanuelle Amiot (L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts)
3.30pm-4.10pm: Pascal Bertrand (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) : Why can the Tenture des Valois be considered Catherine de Médicis' richest ornament? (in French)
4.10pm-5.50pm: Natasha Awais-Dean (King’s College, Londres): ‘…a warrant sufficient’: male identity, lineage, authority and homosocial bonds in early modern England. (in English)