In-Person Conversation

Photographed Jewel, Photographic Jewel

Médaillon-pendentif ouvrant avec Napoléon III et Eugénie, XIXe siècle, Musée nationanal du palais de Compiègne (c) RMN - René Gabriel Ojéda Full

Did you know that the world of photography represents a veritable gold mine in the history of jewels?

Photographed Jewel, Photographic Jewel

Did you know that the world of photography represents a veritable gold mine in the history of jewels? In the nineteenth century, from the workshops on the Grands Boulevards to the World Fairs, jewels served as both frame and object of experimentation for photographers. And jewelers sublimated the art of the portrait, whether official or anonymous, as they launched new aesthetic trends and invented new styles of “photographic jewels.”

Contemporary jewelry design also pays tribute to the eye of the artist-photographer and his photographic tools. 

Join us on May 3rd, 2023 at 7:30 P.M. at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts.

In-Person Conversation in French:

7.30 PM - 8.00 PM : Cocktail
8:00 PM - 9.00 PM : Conversation
@L’ÉCOLE, SCHOOL OF JEWELRY ARTS, 31 rue Danielle Casanova 75001, Paris, France


Caroline Benzaria, Art Historian and Teacher at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts

Léonard Pouy, Art Historian PhD and Teacher-Researcher at L'ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts


Photo: Locket pendant with Napoléon III and Eugénie, Gold, glass, photograph, hair, 19th century, Second Empire, Musée national du palais de Compiègne - Compiègne ( France) © RMN / René-Gabriel Ojéda